so, aku pun google: the age limit for height growth, mostly say it is subjective. ayat pemberi harapan, ada cakap refer to gene, ada cakap kalau lelaki maybe dalam 21 years old... kalau dalam buku biology form 5 cakap 18 tahun.. no matter what, kalau perempuan 16 tahun.. hehe.. pompuan xpe, kecik2 bru comeyl.. tinggi2 pon xde masalah.. dah tu kalau pengalaman.. kalau abang aq, tu aq x tahu, tapi kalau abang kawan aq, masa masuk U, baru memanjang... again the harapan feelings! but macam mne artis korea? lahir 1995, tapi, tinggi diorang sekarang.... 180??? what?? haha... still comparing... padahal kawan aq ramai je 180cm, tapi tetap pandang korean boys as public figure.. cis, typical~ kalau org oversea x payah cerita, kalau korea average height is 178. patutla kumpulan btob dianggap pendek, ngee~ klu pompuan 164. wow! kalau malaysia lelaki 165cm... yeay! lepas2... kalau perempuan emm.. 153 kut.. not bad.. kecil2 cili padi..
ni sunjae, lahir 1995. 180cm, tinggi kan? |
nuest. semue 1995, kecuali yg kanan sekali ==' |
ji-yeon!. 167cm \(0o0)/ woot! woot! |
but betul ke boleh tinggi lagi? kalau secara scientific, kalau tulang dah fully formed memang x bleh la... atau growth plate dah habis membesar. walau bagaimana pun.. mungkin boleh meninggi lagi sebab ruang2 antara tulang boleh bagi kesan kepada ketinggian kalau kita melakukan senaman yang boleh membetulkan struktur badan. haa~ menarik x? apa lagi, sengayut la, x pun jalan secara btul, buat aktiviti regangang, tidur secara lurus. p/s: jgn acik membongkok kalau dah online kat laptop. kalau poster dah betul boleh tinggi dalam 2 inch paling ketara. okey la tu. kalau bab2 implant ni, mungkin ada penyelsaian kalau buat stem cell implant, sebab cell tulang manusia akan di-replaced setiap 4 tahun, trmasuk dewasa. tapi, xde lagi, mungkin nanti2 bru ade.
how if kita punya tulang x membesar sepenuhnya lagi?? apa lagi.. usaha la nak meninggi.. hihi
so ape usaha yg bleh di buat... makan secara sihat..Tips for healthy nutrition
1. Eat at regular hours.
2. Don't skip any meal. time puase xpe, skip2 meal nih.
3. Don't forget to eat breakfast.klu dah musim cuti ni memg x lah nk breakfast. and always start the day with a well-rounded meal.
4. Take the time to taste and to chew your food well. dont menggelabah nak tolan terus.
5. Vary your menu.
6. Avoid junk foods - anything that has little or no nutritious value.
7. Beware of salt consumption. It can cause hypertension. this then will lead to bad blood circulation!
8. Eat a lot of raw vegetables and fresh juice. Choose whole wheat bread.oat and nestum!
9. Drink eight glasses of water or vegetable(bayam is the good source of kalsium, tapi ade ke org minum air bayam? or juice or sugar-free juice per day.
10.You should also drink milk!!
11.Eat good quality food supplements every day.
12.After each meal you should rest. Don't start to work or exercise right after. the rest not meant to membongkang on the bed ya.
kalau dalam pyramid makanan dah agak okey, cube perbanyakkan sikit. yang biasa x semestinya btul. am i right?
Not to forget, To increase your height, it is important that your blood is oxygenated as blood provides nourishment to your bones. Regular breathing will also purify your blood. There are three phases to breathing:
1. Inhaling - take in air into your body through the nose
2. Retaining - hold your breath inside your body
3. Exhaling - blow out air from your body through the mouth -macam kat tadika dulu2.
lagi, waktu tidor ni lah hormon2 dirembeskan untuk menebalkan dan memanjangkan tulang.. so dapatkan tidur yang secukupnya disamping poster yg betul.. the prophet sunnah is the best... yg menghadap ke kanan...sebab ape, jantungkan kat kiri, so kalau dah menghadap ke kanan, xde lah jantung tu terhempap by the rest of our body weight.. looks! how sunnah can bring to kejayaan. tidur yang cukup bermakna, tidur secara betul. bila dapat deep level of sleep, then the hormone secretd by pituitary gland could be produced into your blood stream and bolehla diorang melakukan tugasan dorang. bila, hormone ni cukup, barulah usaha exercise dan makan secara seimbang ni berkesan... hehe~ cakap pandai tapi x buat, tngok jam...pukul 3.40a.m how spm leaver could damage their live! ok jom tido!...
last but not least, If you put an effort to keep growing, your height will not necessarily stop. Neither does masturbation stop
height(not stop the height, but mean to stop). What might stop you from growing is smoking,
drugs, alcohol, lack of sleep, stress, digestive problems, or lack of exercise. so, jgn salahkan faktor usia je..
walau bagaimanapun, sebagai hamba Allah, kita harus bersyukur dan berterima kasih atas segala pemberian dan nkmat tuhan.
start to work on!